The last year of COVID has forced many of us to spend more time indoors and if you are like me, you might be feeling like it's time to revamp or upgrade your space. But where to start? How can you do it inexpensively? And how to pull all those separately thrifted pieces together cohesively in one space?
Enter thrifting guru Shanae Conroy, owner of Nanaimo-based Serenity Collective. Her store is an eclectic mix of vintage and upcycled pieces and her own home is filled with beautifully curated thrifted pieces.
Here are Shanae's top five tips for making the most out of thrifting for your home.
1) Keep an Open Mind
Secondhand finds are what you make of them! If you are looking to store kids' toys don't limit yourself to just a bookshelf. Sideboards or credenzas have much nicer (hidden) storage and much more design appeal. If you like the shape or style of something but there's just a small detail you don't love, think about how you can make it your own. A secondhand bench can be quickly spruced up with new fabric on the seat. That funky vase you really like the size of can be easily changed with new paint.

2) Look Often
The people who have the best luck are the people who look often and know what they are looking for. This works for quick scans of Facebook Marketplace or for going into physical stores - when you are looking for specific things it allows you to scan things quickly. It doesn't have to be a hard and fast list but it is handy to have at the back of your mind.-
Patio furniture
Girls size 10 clothes
Camping gear
3) Colour & Shape
Much like my previous point, having specific colours or shapes in mind makes it easier to track down the items you're looking for. It also helps to create a more cohesive space. I love going for a somewhat unexpected colour palette, it helps keep your space more interesting, and together. My top colour combinations for 2021:
Hunter Green and burnt orange
Coral and mustard
Blush pink and washed teal
Grey and cream
Peacock blue and gold
(Shades of dusty rose and powdered blue in Shanae's living room)
Finding the perfect item at a price you are happy with in a convenient location takes time. It's not a quick process, but it sure is satisfying every time you score that perfect piece. On the other side of things, sometimes we fall in love with a piece and once we get it home we just feel.....meh and that is okay! One of the greatest things about buying secondhand is that if it doesn't work out, you can cycle it back out with less guilt. Think of it as if you are putting together a puzzle but you are finding the pieces in a totally different room.
5) Have Fun
Your space should be you and be fun. If you think that weird art is funky, buy it. Grandma's old doily? Throw it on the table! Thrift store table? Check! Chairs collected from a basement of a senior couple? Yep we've got those too! If you feel drawn to pieces they will find a way to blend in seamlessly within your space.
Shanae's dining room. Every item pictured was bought secondhand over the course of a few months.
Shanae Conroy operates Serenity Collective in Nanaimo, BC
To view her current collection of curated treasures, check out her website at or on social media.